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TV Catalogue

116 x 1 TV hrs
USA-Spain, 2010-2011

Someone's Watching

Alguien te Mira
Данна Гарсия
Кристиан Мейер
Рафаэль Амайя
Someone's Watching
Directed by:Luis Manzo, Leonardo Galavis
Cast: Danna Garcia, Christian Meier, Rafael Amaya
A story filled with mystery, drama, and passion about four friends that will witness a crime. The victim is a well-known socialite, and hers is the third murder to shock the city. According to the investigation, a psychopath serial killer is choosing beautiful and independent women as targets. They were all murdered following the same modus operandi: a deep, straight cut to the heart. The police are trying to gather evidence that would lead them to the identity of the psychopath. In the meantime…everyone will be a suspect and an intense love triangle will shake the lives of Piedad, Rodrigo, and Julian – the latter two will confront each other in war for love.
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