  • The Visionist
    12 x 1 TV hrs
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  • Light Line
    12 x 1 TV hrs
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  • Contact
    Mystical Detective
    12 x 1 TV hrs
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  • Short Word No
    12 x 1 TV hrs
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Marguerite Dress, A
Baby is guaranteed, A
C'est La Vie
Light Minded Woman
On Call 1
Group Zeta
Last news
Half sister
Началось производство мелодрамы "Сводная"
Baby is guaranteed, A
На ТРК Украина состоялась премьера мелодрамы "Ребенок с гарантией"
Premiere of the drama "Graduate"
14 апреля на телеканале "Домашний" состоялась премьера новой мелодрамы "Ассистентка"
Intra Communications company est. in 1997

Intra Communications specializes in TV series/films production and distribution of high quality TV content.

Intra Communications has forged direct contractual relationship with major production companies of Russia, USA, Canada, Europe and Latin America. Intra Communications permanently takes part in high-profile TV markets and forums which enables it to collect background information and provide insight into specifics of TV audience of different countries. Company’s own dubbing facilities lets it pursue the flexible programming and reasonable pricing policy meeting the demands of various TV channels.

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Dear producers
and programme directors!

We involve all those who have promising projects or ready-to-air shows. ICI is interested in the production and distribution of high-quality television product, which we can profitably sell.

ICI's track record is very high. Today the company is actively involved in various co-production projects, including foreign ones.

We are always open to cooperation and discussion of joint plans!

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